People say, "Silence is Golden", But I now choose the silver, the Speech. Lao Tzu quotes, "Silence is a source of great strength", But now I choose it to break, Break apart -- away and fade. Kept I Silence hugged to my breast, But away it kept taking my breath. Said Pythagoras once, " A fool is known by his speech and wise man by silence ", Take me to be a fool then, Because silence for me was slow poison, Silence for me was internal destruction. There was a time when there was brief Silence -- inside out, It was mind that was numb, And my emotions frozen. It was always quiet and chained, Now it screams to be free from lumps, Wants to be flying even if it's turning to silver from golden, the value. " When a man goes silent on his ways and plans, you must ponder ", they say. But this quietness now makes me feel like I have been self betrayed, By ME! "Keep shush! No one must hear you", said my silence. But into a ...