They gave you a name tag, "INDEPENDENT", But aren't you more like what "IN--DEPENDENT" is, They gave you the tag, "#REAL", But are you what "RE-AL" is, They call you "STRONG", They call you "DIVINE ", They call you "BOLD", They name you as "SHRINES", They call you "A BETTER HOME", They say that you are given all rights, All rights parallel to the moustached guys, "MEN", But are you strong enough to take a stand? To go out there alone and fight, Fight with a weaker body as they say, You know we are categorized right away from our birth, To rest in arms of parents and then a "Better" Man. Where are we making the world depend upon us except for "PROCREATION"? Where are we taking the stand for a larger action? Aren't we being the ones calling us "KALI'S and DURGA's or say NARAYANI's"? Aren't we the same to let us being torme...