Some days I feel the touch of this gusty waves of wind on my face, It at times brings me my childhood stories of playing hopscotch and the biased running race, Where I used to win all the time as I was playing alone. This flutter sometimes brings me the scent of you, The scent of my dreams, The scents of the deserts and the seas. It reminds me, I have oceans to cross and mirages to tackle in balls of sand. I look at it. I let this whirl touch me, I feel you every second as you give me force to breathe, You have always wafted by my side, Danced along my joys and have brought in songs to my tears, You have wiped them off to blow when I had fears. I have that vintage connect to you, You make me nostalgic of some things I have never have had. I feel in you the glee of making others jovial. I feel in you the fear of being fierce at times. I feel in you strings that tickle my heart, I feel in you the grief you have of when someone is hurt. I let you touch my face, Or ...